Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 2 Serial Key

Posted : admin On 22.01.2020

DCOM Security Enhancements in Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1. 17 minutes to read.In this articleWindows Server XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) introduce enhanced default security settings for the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM). Specifically, they introduce more granular rights that enable an administrator to have independent control over local and remote permissions for launching, activating, and accessing COM servers. What does DCOM do?The Microsoft Component Object Model (COM) is a platform-independent, distributed, object-oriented system for creating binary software components that can interact. The Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) allows applications to be distributed across locations that make the most sense to you and to the application. The DCOM wire protocol transparently provides support for reliable, secure, and efficient communication between COM components.

Who does this feature apply to?If you use COM only for in-process COM components, this feature does not apply to you.This feature applies to you if you have a COM server application that meets one of the following criteria:. The access permission for the application is less stringent than the launch permission, which is necessary to run the application. The application is usually activated by a remote COM client without using an administrative account. The application is meant to be used only locally.

This means you can restrict your COM server application so it is not remotely accessible.What new functionality is added to this feature in Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1? Computer-wide restrictionsA change has been made in COM to provide computer-wide access controls that govern access to all call, activation, or launch requests on the computer.

Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 2 Serial Key For Activation

The simplest way to think about these access controls is as an additional call that is done against a computer-wide access control list (ACL) on each call, activation, or launch of any COM server on the computer. If the AccessCheck fails, the call, activation, or launch request is denied. This is in addition to any AccessCheck that is run against the server-specific ACLs. In effect, it provides a minimum authorization standard that must be passed to access any COM server on the computer. There is a computer-wide ACL for launch permissions to cover activate and launch rights, and a computer-wide ACL for access permissions to cover call rights.

These can be configured through the Component Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC).These computer-wide ACLs provide a way to override weak security settings specified by a specific application through or application-specific security settings. This provides a minimum security standard that must be passed, regardless of the settings of the specific server.These ACLs are checked when the interfaces exposed by RPCSS are accessed. This provides a method to control access to this system service.These ACLs provide a centralized location where an administrator can set general authorization policy that applies to all COM servers on the computer. NoteChanging the computer-wide security settings will affect all COM server applications, and might prevent them from working properly.

If there are COM server applications that have restrictions that are less stringent than the computer-wide restrictions, reducing the computer-wide restrictions might expose these applications to unwanted access. Conversely, if you increase the computer-wide restrictions, some COM server applications might no longer be accessible by calling applications.By default, Windows XP SP2 computer restriction settings are: PermissionAdministratorEveryoneAnonymousLaunchLocal LaunchLocal ActivationRemote LaunchRemote ActivationLocal LaunchLocal ActivationAccessLocal AccessRemote AccessLocal AccessBy default, Windows Server 2003 SP 1 computer restriction settings are as follows. PermissionAdministratorDistributed COM Users (Built in Group)EveryoneAnonymousLaunchLocal LaunchLocal ActivationRemote LaunchRemote ActivationLocal LaunchLocal ActivationRemote LaunchRemote ActivationLocal LaunchLocal ActivationN/AAccessN/ALocal AccessRemote AccessLocal AccessRemote AccessLocal AccessRemote Access. NoteDistributed COM Users is a new built-in group included with Windows Server 2003 SP1 to expedite the process of adding users to the DCOM computer restriction settings. This group is part of the ACL used by the and settings, so removing users from this group will affect those settings. Why is this change important? What threats does it help mitigate?Many COM applications include some security-specific code (for example, calling ), but use weak settings, often allowing unauthenticated access to the process.

There is currently no way for an administrator to override these settings to force stronger security in earlier versions of Windows.COM infrastructure includes the RPCSS, a system service that runs during system startup and always runs after that. It manages activation of COM objects and the running object table and provides helper services to DCOM remoting. It exposes RPC interfaces that can be called remotely.

Because some COM servers allow unauthenticated remote access, these interfaces can be called by anyone, including unauthenticated users. As a result, RPCSS can be attacked by malicious users on remote, unauthenticated computers.In earlier versions of Windows, there was no way for an administrator to understand the exposure level of the COM servers on a computer. An administrator got an idea of the exposure level by systematically checking the configured security settings for all the registered COM applications on the computer, but, given that there are about 150 COM servers in a default installation of Windows, that task was daunting.

There was no way to view the settings for a server that incorporates security in the software, short of reviewing the source code for that software.DCOM computer-wide restrictions mitigate these three problems. It also gives an administrator the capability to disable incoming DCOM activation, launch, and calls. What works differently?By default, the Everyone group is granted local launch, local activation, and local access call permissions. This enables all local scenarios to work without modification to the software or the operating system.By default, in Windows XP SP2, the Everyone group is granted remote access call permissions. Phantom cine toolkit keygen crack 2.

In Windows Server 2003 SP1, the Everyone and Anonymous groups are granted remote access permissions. This enables most COM client scenarios, including the common case where a COM client passes a local reference to a remote server, in effect turning the client into a server. In Windows XP SP2, this might disable scenarios that require unauthenticated remote access calls.Also by default, only members of the Administrators group are granted remote activation and launch permissions. This disables remote activations by non-administrators to installed COM servers. How do I resolve these issues?If you implement a COM server and expect to support remote activation by a non-administrative COM client, then you should consider whether the risk associated with enabling this process is acceptable or if you should modify your implementation to not require remote activation by a non-administrative COM client or remote unauthenticated calls.If the risk is acceptable and you want to enable remote activation by a non-administrative COM client or remote unauthenticated calls, you must change the default configuration for this feature. NoteChanging the computer-wide security settings will affect all COM server applications, and might prevent them from working properly. If there are COM server applications that have restrictions that are less stringent than the computer-wide restrictions, reducing the computer-wide restrictions may expose these applications to unwanted access.

Conversely, if you increase the computer-wide restrictions, some COM server applications might no longer be accessible by calling applications.You can change the configuration settings using either the Component Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) or the Windows registry.If you use the Component Services MMC snap-in, these settings can be configured on the COM Security tab of the Properties dialog box for the computer you are managing. The Access Permissions area has been modified to enable you to set computer-wide limits in addition to the standard default settings for COM servers.

Windows 2003 Server Service Pack 2 Serial Key

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Serial Key

Additionally, you can provide separate ACL settings for local and remote access under both limits and defaults.In the Launch and Activation Permissions area, you can control the local and remote permissions as well as the computer-wide limits and the defaults. You can specify both local and remote activation and launch permissions independently.Alternatively, you can configure these ACL settings using the registry.These ACLs are stored in the registry at the following locations: HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOleMachineAccessRestriction=ACLHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftOleMachineLaunchRestriction=ACLThese are named values of type REGBINARY that contain data that describe the ACL of the principals that can access any COM class or COM object on the computer. The access rights in the ACL are: COMRIGHTSEXECUTE 1COMRIGHTSEXECUTELOCAL 2COMRIGHTSEXECUTEREMOTE 4COMRIGHTSACTIVATELOCAL 8COMRIGHTSACTIVATEREMOTE 16These ACLs can be created using normal security functions. NoteTo provide backward compatibility, an ACL can exist in the format used before Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, which uses only the access right COMRIGHTSEXECUTE, or it can exist in the new format used in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, which uses COMRIGHTSEXECUTE together with a combination of COMRIGHTSEXECUTELOCAL, COMRIGHTSEXECUTEREMOTE, COMRIGHTSACTIVATELOCAL, and COMRIGHTSACTIVATEREMOTE.

Note that COMRIGHTSEXECUTE must always be present; the absence of this right generates an invalid security descriptor. Also note that you must not mix the old format and the new format within a single ACL; either all access control entries (ACEs) must grant only the COMRIGHTSEXECUTE access right, or they all must grant COMRIGHTSEXECUTE together with a combination of COMRIGHTSEXECUTELOCAL, COMRIGHTSEXECUTEREMOTE, COMRIGHTSACTIVATELOCAL, and COMRIGHTSACTIVATEREMOTE. NoteOnly users with Administrator rights can modify these settings. What existing functionality is changing in Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1? RPCSS runs as a network serviceRPCSS is a key service for the RPC Endpoint Mapper and DCOM infrastructure. This service ran as Local System in previous versions of Windows.

To reduce the attack surface of Windows and provide defense in depth, the RPCSS service functionality was split into two services. The RPCSS service with all the original functionality that did not require Local System privileges now runs under the Network Service account. A new DCOMLaunch service that includes functionality that requires Local System privileges runs under the Local System account. Why is this change important?This change reduces the attack surface and provides defense in depth for the RPCSS service because an elevation of privilege in the RPCSS service is now limited to the Network Service privilege.

What works differently?This change should be transparent to users because the combination of the RPCSS and DCOMLaunch services is equivalent to the previous RPCSS service provided in prior versions of Windows. More specific COM permissionsCOM server applications have two types of permissions: launch permissions and access permissions. Launch permissions control authorization to start a COM server during COM activation if the server is not already running. These permissions are defined as security descriptors that are specified in registry settings. Access permissions control authorization to call a running COM server. These permissions are defined as security descriptors provided to the COM infrastructure through the API, or using registry settings.

Both launch and access permissions allow or deny access based on principals, and make no distinction as to whether the caller is local to the server or remote.The first change distinguishes the COM access rights, based on distance. The two distances that are defined are Local and Remote. A Local COM message arrives by way of the Local Remote Procedure Call (LRPC) protocol, while a Remote COM message arrives by way of a remote procedure call (RPC) host protocol like transmission control protocol (TCP).COM activation is the act of getting a COM interface proxy on a client by calling or one of its variants. As a side effect of this activation process, sometimes a COM server must be started to fulfill the client's request. A launch permissions ACL asserts who is allowed to start a COM server. An access permissions ACL asserts who is allowed to activate a COM object or call that object once the COM server is already running.The second change is that the call and activation rights are separated to reflect to two distinct operations and to move the activation right from the access permission ACL to the launch permission ACL. Because activation and launching are both related to acquiring an interface pointer, activation and launch access rights logically belong together in one ACL.

CautionImproper use of these settings can cause applications and Windows components that use DCOM to fail.In the following table, these abbreviations are used:LL - Local LaunchLA - Local ActivationRL - Remote LaunchRA - Remote ActivationLC - Local Access CallsRC - Remote Access CallsACL - Access Control List Setting nameLocationPrevious default valueDefault valuePossible valuesMachineLaunchRestrictionHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARE MicrosoftOleEveryone - LL, LA, RL, RAAnonymous -LL, LA, RL, RA(This is a new registry key. Based on existing behavior, these are the effective values.)Administrator: LL, LA, RL, RAACLMachineAccessRestrictionHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARE MicrosoftOleEveryone - LC, RCAnonymous - LC, RC(This is a new registry key. Based on existing behavior, these are the effective values.)Everyone: LC, RCAnonymous: LCACLCallFailureLoggingLevelHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARE MicrosoftOleNot applicable.This registry key is not present; however, a missing key or value is interpreted as 2.This event is not logged by default. If you change this value to 1 to start logging this information to help you troubleshoot an issue, be sure to monitor the size of your event log, because this is an event that can generate a large number of entries.1 - Always log event log failures during a call in the COM Server process.2 - Never log event log failures during a call in the call server process.InvalidSecurityDescriptorLoggingLevelHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARE MicrosoftOleNot applicable.This registry key is not present; however, a missing key or value is interpreted asĀ 1.This event is logged by default. It should rarely occur.1 - Always log event log failures when the COM infrastructure finds an invalid security descriptor.2 - Never log event log failures when the COM infrastructure finds an invalid security descriptor.DCOM:Machine Launch Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) Syntax(Group Policy object) Computer Configuration Windows SettingsLocal Policies Security OptionsNot applicable.Not definedAccess control list in SDDL format.

Existence of this policy overrides values in MachineLaunchRestriction, previously.DCOM:Machine Access Restrictions in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) Syntax(Group Policy object) Computer Configuration Windows Settings Local Policies Security OptionsNot applicable.Not definedAccess control list in SDDL format. Existence of this policy overrides values in MachineAccessRestriction, previously.What settings are added or changed in Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1?

NoteImproper use of these settings can cause applications and Windows components that use DCOM to fail.In the following table, these abbreviations are used:LL - Local LaunchLA - Local ActivationRL - Remote LaunchRA - Remote ActivationLC - Local Access CallsRC - Remote Access CallsACL - Access Control List Setting nameLocationPrevious default valueDefault valuePossible valuesMachineLaunchRestrictionHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARE MicrosoftOleEveryone: LL, LA, RL, RAAnonymous: LL, LA, RL, RA(This is a new registry key. Based on existing behavior, these would be the effective values.)Administrator: LL, LA, RL, RAEveryone: LL, LADistributed COM users: LL, LA, RL, RAACLMachineAccessRestrictionHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARE MicrosoftOleEveryone: LC, RCAnonymous: LC, RC(This is a new registry key. Based on existing behavior, these would be the effective values.)Everyone: LC, RCAnonymous: LC, RCACLCallFailureLoggingLevelHKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARE MicrosoftOleNot applicable.This registry key is not present; however, a missing key or value is interpreted as 2.This event is not logged by default.