Probabilitas Dan Statistika Ebooking

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ERIC Identifier: ED433219Publication Date: 1999-05-00Author: Lee, Hea-JinSource: ERIC Clearinghouse forScience Mathematics and Environmental Education Columbus OH.Resources for Teaching and Learning about Probability andStatistics. ERIC Digest.As increased use of technology and the empirical sciences spreads throughoutthe global community, the use of data and graphs to communicate information isever increasing.

Daily decision making and discussions of social issues areincreasingly influenced by statistics and projected outcomes based on estimatedprobabilities. Unfortunately, most high school graduates have little or nobackground in the mathematics associated with calculating probabilities andinterpreting statistics. Therefore, in order for our students to be adequatelyprepared to make informed decisions, schools need to provide greater attentionto probability and statistics in mathematics and other courses. Numerouseducators (NCTM, 1989; NRC, 1989; Shaughnessy, 1992) have recommend theintroduction of concepts related to probability and statistics throughout theschool years for all students, not just those students bound for college.KEY ISSUES. In spite of increased support for teachingprobability and statistics in schools, significant problems have been reported.1.Absenceof probability and statistics lessons or courses in schools.

(Barnett, 1988;Shaughnessy, 1992): To date, very little probability and statistics have beentaught in our schools.2.Teachersare not prepared to teach probability and statistics. Historically, teacherpreparation programs have not systematically included probability and statisticsfor prospective mathematics teachers (Shaughnessy, 1992).3.Studentmisconceptions and understanding.

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Conditional probability and the notion ofindependent events are reported as particularly difficult concepts for studentsto grasp (Falk, 1988).4.Studentbeliefs and attitudes. Statistics courses are some of the most rigorous andanxiety evoking for college students. Because of this, researchers haveinvestigated techniques that may help to reduce anxiety and change negativeattitudes experienced by students taking such courses (Sgoutas-Emch &Johnson, 1998).RECOMMENDATIONS. Educators have been endeavoring to overcomethe identified barriers to improving the teaching and learning of probabilityand statistics. Probability Computer Projects withMathematica problems occurring in probability.

This page includes 'Monte CarloApproximation of Pi', 'The Mystery of the Three Cards', 'The Birthday Problem','The Gambling Boundary Problem', and others.The Probability WEBcollection of pages with the following headings: Probability links, Abstracts,Listservers, Newsgroups, People, Jobs, Journals, Software, Books, Conferences,Publishers and Miscellaneous.Fun with Probabilitya cooperative classroom project for grades K- 9. Students from fivecountries and 19 of the U. States participated in this project.Three Door Puzzlesimulation of the 'Three Door Puzzle' of probability.

Students can play aninteractive game as often as they wish.Classroom materials for teachers and studentscourse materials and lesson plans, problems and puzzles, and referencematerials.Software for Probability and Statisticsavailable software and online publishers for probability andstatistics.Internet project: Probability and Statisticsand challenging activities for students.MATERIALS INTRODUCING ACTIVITIES FOR PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS LESSON. Roll the dice-an introduction toprobability. 'Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School,' 4(2), pp. 85-89.Adice game that introduces students to probability is described.

Two studentsroll the dice simultaneously and find the absolute value of the differences ofthe numbers that they get. Students then present explanations of what they foundfrom this game.Ruggles, J. & Slenger, B.S. The 'measure me' doll. 'TeachingChildren Mathematics,' 5(1), pp. 40-44.Aunit of work that engages Kindergarten and first-grade students in making dollsto represent their birth statistics. The activities develop the children'semergent understanding of mathematics concepts.Young, P.

Probability, matrices, and bugs in trees. Teacher'sguide and worksheets. 'Mathematics Teacher,' 91(5), pp. 402-406.Outlinesactivities that involve modeling the path of an insect between trees anddetermining the spread of the insect population in the trees. The activitiesinvolve the use of basic probability, simple random walks, matrices, and Markovchains.Scavo, T.

Cara mengatasi the game is not properly installed di pes 6. & Petraroja, B. Adventures in statistics. 'TeachingChildren Mathematics,' 4, pp. 394-400.Anactivity on data analysis that engages fifth-grade students. The specificelements of the activity include a primary measurement task, data graphing,computation and interpretation of the average area, an analysis of area perstudent, and presentation of results.Kader, G.

Push-penny: what is your expected score?' Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School,' 3, pp. 370-377.Outlinesan activity that develops students' intuitive feeling for the consequences ofrandomness. In addition to having the central statistical principle, the law oflarge numbers, and probability distribution illustrated for students, thisactivity enables students to develop their data handling skills and their skillsin constructing and using tables and graphs.Greeley, N. & Offerman, T. Words, words, words; ancientcommunication.

'Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School,' 3, pp. 358-364.Threeactivities that are based on newspaper articles are outlined: 'Frequencies','Making the Words Fit', and 'Check Out That Fog' activities. These activitiescan be given to students for independent study, and each involves analyzingnewspaper articles for their clarity.Perry, M. Counting penguins. 'Mathematics Teacher,'91, pp. 110-116.Anactivity based on counting penguins is outlined.

It can be used to illustratethe nature of sampling variability, the effect of sample size on the quality ofestimation, and the role of the underlying population distribution.Robinson, P. Probability, mortality and life assurance. 'Mathematicsin School,' 26, pp. 42-45.Thisactivity involves generating expected values or probability values, and presentvalues, as well as applying discount factors and using mortality tables.Brunner, R. Numbers, please! The telephone directory andprobability. 'Mathematics Teacher,' 90, pp.

704-705.Thispaper illustrates how students can use the telephone directory in collaborativegroup assignments in their introductory probability and statistics class to helpthem understand such concepts as Monte Carlo simulations.REFERENCES. Statistical Consultancy-Abasis for teaching and research. Davidson, & J. Swift (Eds.)., 'Theproceedings of the second International Conference on Teaching Statistics.' Victoria B.C.: University of Victoria.National Research Council (1989).

Probabilitas Dan Statistika Ebooking

'Everybody Counts.' Washington, D.C.:National Academy Press.Falk, R.

Conditional Probabilities: Insight and difficulties. In R.Davidson, & J.Swift (Eds.)., 'The proceedings of the second InternationalConference on Teaching Statistics.' Victoria B.C.: University of Victoria.Friel, S. Teaching statistics: What's average? 'Yearbook(National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) v.' 208-217.Jones, G.

Probabilitas Dan Statistika Ebooking En

A., Langrall, C.W. & Thornton, C. A framework forassessing and nurturing young children's thinking in probability. 'EducationalStudies in Mathematics,' 32(2), pp. 101-125.National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (1989).


'Curriculum andevaluation standards for school mathematics.' Reston, VA: Author.Sgoutas-Emch, S. & Johnson, C. Is journal writing aneffective method of reducing anxiety towards statistics? 'Journal ofInstructional Psychology,' 25, pp. 49-57.Shaughnessy, J.M. Researches in probability and statistics:Reflections and Directions.

In Grouws, D.A. 'Handbook of Research onMathematics Teaching and Learning (pp.465-494).' New York: Michigan PublishingCompany.Please note that this site is privately owned and is in no way relatedto any Federal agency or ERIC unit. Further, this site is using aprivately owned and located server. This is NOT a government sponsoredor government sanctioned site.

ERIC is a Service Mark of the U.S. Government.This site exists to provide the text of the public domain ERIC Documentspreviously produced by ERIC. No new content will ever appear herethat would in any way challenge the ERIC Service Mark of the U.S.

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