Install Deb Package On Arch Linux Raspberry

Posted : admin On 11.01.2020

Every computerized device uses some form of software to perform its intended tasks. In the early days of software, products were stringently tested for bugs and other defects.

For the last decade or so, software has been released via the internet with the intent that any bugs would be fixed by applying new versions of the software. In some cases, each individual application has its own updater. In others, it is left up to the user to figure out how to obtain and upgrade software.Linux adopted early the practice of maintaining a centralized location where users could find and install software. In this article, I'll discuss the history of software installation on Linux and how modern operating systems are kept up to date against the never-ending torrent of.

How was software on Linux installed before package managers?Historically, software was provided either via FTP or mailing lists (eventually this distribution would grow to include basic websites). Only a few small files contained the instructions to create a binary (normally in a tarfile). You would untar the files, read the readme, and as long as you had GCC or some other form of C compiler, you would then typically run a./configure script with some list of attributes, such as pathing to library files, location to create new binaries, etc. In addition, the configure process would check your system for application dependencies.

If any major requirements were missing, the configure script would exit and you could not proceed with the installation until all the dependencies were met. If the configure script completed successfully, a Makefile would be created.Once a Makefile existed, you would then proceed to run the make command (this command is provided by whichever compiler you were using). The make command has a number of options called make flags, which help optimize the resulting binaries for your system.

How to install deb packages on ubuntu

In the earlier days of computing, this was very important because hardware struggled to keep up with modern software demands. Today, compilation options can be much more generic as most hardware is more than adequate for modern software.Finally, after the make process had been completed, you would need to run make install (or sudo make install) in order to actually install the software. As you can imagine, doing this for every single piece of software was time-consuming and tedious—not to mention the fact that updating software was a complicated and potentially very involved process. What is a package?Packages were invented to combat this complexity. Packages collect multiple data files together into a single archive file for easier portability and storage, or simply compress files to reduce storage space. The binaries included in a package are precompiled with according to the sane defaults the developer chosen. Packages also contain metadata, such as the software's name, a description of its purpose, a version number, and a list of dependencies necessary for the software to run properly.Several flavors of Linux have created their own package formats.

Some of the most commonly used package formats include:.deb: This package format is used by Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and several other derivatives. It was the first package type to be created.rpm: This package format was originally called Red Hat Package Manager.

It is used by Red Hat, Fedora, SUSE, and several other smaller distributions.tar.xz: While it is just a compressed tarball, this is the format that Arch Linux uses.While packages themselves don't manage dependencies directly, they represented a huge step forward in Linux software management. What is a software repository?A few years ago, before the proliferation of smartphones, the idea of a software repository was difficult for many users to grasp if they were not involved in the Linux ecosystem. To this day, most Windows users still seem to be hardwired to open a web browser to search for and install new software. However, those with smartphones have gotten used to the idea of a software 'store.'

The way smartphone users obtain software and the way package managers work are not dissimilar. While there have been several attempts at making an attractive UI for software repositories, the vast majority of Linux users still use the command line to install packages. Software repositories are a centralized listing of all of the available software for any repository the system has been configured to use.

Below are some examples of searching a repository for a specifc package (note that these have been truncated for brevity):Arch Linux with aurman. User@ubuntu $ apt search kateSorting. DoneFull Text Search. Donekate/xenial 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu2 amd64powerful text editorkate-data/xenial,xenial 4:4.14.3-0ubuntu4 allshared data files for Kate text editorkate-dbg/xenial 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu2 amd64debugging symbols for Katekate5-data/xenial,xenial 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu2 allshared data files for Kate text editor What are the most prominent package managers?As suggested in the above output, package managers are used to interact with software repositories. The following is a brief overview of some of the most prominent package managers. RPM-based package managersUpdating RPM-based systems, particularly those based on Red Hat technologies, has a very interesting and detailed history. In fact, the current versions of (for enterprise distributions) and (for community) combine several open source projects to provide their current functionality.Initially, Red Hat used a package manager called (Red Hat Package Manager), which is still in use today. However, its primary use is to install RPMs, which you have locally, not to search software repositories.

The package manager named up2date was created to inform users of updates to packages and enable them to search remote repositories and easily install dependencies. While it served its purpose, some community members felt that up2date had some significant shortcomings.The current incantation of yum came from several different community efforts. Yellowdog Updater (YUP) was developed in 1999-2001 by folks at Terra Soft Solutions as a back-end engine for a graphical installer of.

Duke University liked the idea of YUP and decided to improve upon it. They created which was eventually adapted to help manage the university's Red Hat Linux systems. Yum grew in popularity, and by 2005 it was estimated to be used by more than half of the Linux market. Today, almost every distribution of Linux that uses RPMs uses yum for package management (with a few notable exceptions). Working with yumIn order for yum to download and install packages out of an internet repository, files must be located in /etc/yum.repos.d/ and they must have the extension.repo.

Here is an example repo file. localbasename=Base CentOS (local)baseurl=is for one of my local repositories, which explains why the GPG check is off. If this check was on, each package would need to be signed with a cryptographic key and a corresponding key would need to be imported into the system receiving the updates. Because I maintain this repository myself, I trust the packages and do not bother signing them.Once a repository file is in place, you can start installing packages from the remote repository. The most basic command is yum update, which will update every package currently installed. This does not require a specific step to refresh the information about repositories; this is done automatically.

A sample of the command is shown below. user@centos $ yum search kateartwiz-aleczapka-kates-fonts.noarch: Kates font in Artwiz familyghc-highlighting-kate-devel.x8664: Haskell highlighting-kate library development fileskate-devel.i686: Development files for katekate-devel.x8664: Development files for katekate-libs.i686: Runtime files for katekate-libs.x8664: Runtime files for katekate-part.i686: Kate kpart pluginOnce you have the name of the package, you can simply install the package with sudo yum install kate-devel -y.


If you installed a package you no longer need, you can remove it with sudo yum remove kate-devel -y. By default, yum will remove the package plus its dependencies.There may be times when you do not know the name of the package, but you know the name of the utility. For example, suppose you are looking for the utility updatedb, which creates/updates the database used by the locate command. Attempting to install updatedb returns the following results. user@centos $ yum whatprovides.updatedbLoaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacksLoading mirror speeds from cached hostfilebacula-director-5.2.13-23.1.el7.x8664: Bacula Director filesRepo: localbaseMatched from:Filename: /usr/share/doc/bacula-director-5.2.13/updatedbmlocate-0.26-8.el7.x8664: An utility for finding files by nameRepo: localbaseMatched from:Filename: /usr/bin/updatedbThe reason I have used an asterisk. in front of the command is because yum whatprovides uses the path to the file in order to make a match.

Since I was not sure where the file was located, I used an asterisk to indicate any path.There are, of course, many more options available to yum. I encourage you to view the man page for yum for additional a newer iteration on yum. Introduced in Fedora 18, it has not yet been adopted in the enterprise distributions, and as such is predominantly used in Fedora (and derivatives). Its usage is almost exactly the same as that of yum, but it was built to address poor performance, undocumented APIs, slow/broken dependency resolution, and occasional high memory usage. DNF is meant as a drop-in replacement for yum, and therefore I won't repeat the commands—wherever you would use yum, simply substitute dnf. Working with Zypperis another package manager meant to help manage RPMs. This package manager is most commonly associated with (and ) but has also seen adoption by,.

It was originally introduced in 2006 and has been iterated upon ever since. There is not a whole lot to say other than Zypper is used as the back end for the system administration tool and some users find it to be faster than yum.Zypper's usage is very similar to that of yum. To search for, update, install or remove a package, simply use the following. Suse: # zypper reposRepository priorities are without effect. Localhost: # zypper what-provides kateCommand 'what-provides' is replaced by 'search -provides -match-exact'.See 'help search' for all available options.Loading repository data.Reading installed packages.S Name Summary Type-+-+-+-i+ Kate Advanced Text Editor applicationi kate Advanced Text Editor packageAs with YUM and DNF, Zypper has a much richer feature set than covered here. Please consult with the official documentation for more in-depth information. Debian-based package managersOne of the oldest Linux distributions currently maintained, Debian's system is very similar to RPM-based systems.

They use.deb packages, which can be managed by a tool called dpkg. Dpkg is very similar to rpm in that it was designed to manage packages that are available locally. It does no dependency resolution (although it does dependency checking), and has no reliable way to interact with remote repositories. In order to improve the user experience and ease of use, the Debian project commissioned a project called Deity.

Arch Linux Deb Install

This codename was eventually abandoned and changed to.Released as test builds in 1998 (before making an appearance in Debian 2.1 in 1999), many users consider APT one of the defining features of Debian-based systems. It makes use of repositories in a similar fashion to RPM-based systems, but instead of individual.repo files that yum uses, apt has historically used /etc/apt/sources.list to manage repositories. More recently, it also ingests files from /etc/apt/sources.d/. Following the examples in the RPM-based package managers, to accomplish the same thing on Debian-based distributions you have a few options. You can edit/create the files manually in the aforementioned locations from the terminal, or in some cases, you can use a UI front end (such as Software & Updates provided by Ubuntu et al.).

To provide the same treatment to all distributions, I will cover only the command-line options. To add a repository without directly editing a file, you can do something like this: user@ubuntu:$ sudo apt-add-repository 'deb release restricted'This will create a spideroakone.list file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d. Obviously, these lines change depending on the repository being added. If you are adding a Personal Package Archive (PPA), you can do this: user@ubuntu:$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:gnome-desktopNOTE: Debian does not support PPAs natively.After a repository has been added, Debian-based systems need to be made aware that there is a new location to search for packages.

This is done via the apt-get update command. User@ubuntu:$ sudo apt-get updateGet:1 xenial-security InRelease 107 kBHit:2 release InReleaseHit:3 xenial InReleaseGet:4 xenial-updates InRelease 109 kBGet:5 xenial-security/main amd64 Packages 517 kBGet:6 xenial-security/main i386 Packages 455 kBGet:7 xenial-security/main Translation-en 221 kB.Fetched 6,399 kB in 3s (2,017 kB/s)Reading package lists. DoneNow that the new repository is added and updated, you can search for a package using the apt-cache command.

Kate: /usr/bin/katekate: /usr/lib/x8664-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/ktexteditor/katebacktracebrowserplugin.sokate: /usr/lib/x8664-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/ktexteditor/katebuildplugin.sokate: /usr/lib/x8664-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/ktexteditor/katecloseexceptplugin.sokate: /usr/lib/x8664-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/ktexteditor/katectagsplugin.soMost of these examples have used apt-get. Note that most of the current tutorials for Ubuntu specifically have taken to simply using apt. The single apt command was designed to implement only the most commonly used commands in the APT arsenal. Since functionality is split between apt-get, apt-cache, and other commands, apt looks to unify these into a single command.

It also adds some niceties such as colorization, progress bars, and other odds and ends. Most of the commands noted above can be replaced with apt, but not all Debian-based distributions currently receiving security patches support using apt by default, so you may need to install additional packages. Arch-based package managersuses a package manager called.

Unlike.deb or.rpm files, pacman uses a more traditional tarball with the LZMA2 compression (.tar.xz). This enables Arch Linux packages to be much smaller than other forms of compressed archives (such as gzip). Initially released in 2002, pacman has been steadily iterated and improved. One of the major benefits of pacman is that it supports the, a system for building packages from source. The build system ingests a file called a PKGBUILD, which contains metadata (such as version numbers, revisions, dependencies, etc.) as well as a shell script with the required flags for compiling a package conforming to the Arch Linux requirements. The resulting binaries are then packaged into the aforementioned.tar.xz file for consumption by pacman.This system led to the creation of the (AUR) which is a community-driven repository containing PKGBUILD files and supporting patches or scripts.

This allows for a virtually endless amount of software to be available in Arch. The obvious advantage of this system is that if a user (or maintainer) wishes to make software available to the public, they do not have to go through official channels to get it accepted in the main repositories. The downside is that it relies on community curation similar to, Canonical's Snap packages, or other similar mechanisms. There are numerous AUR-specific package managers that can be used to download, compile, and install from the PKGBUILD files in the AUR (we will look at this later). Working with pacman and official repositoriesArch's main package manager, pacman, uses flags instead of command words like yum and apt.

For example, to search for a package, you would use pacman -Ss. As with most commands on Linux, you can find both a manpage and inline help. Most of the commands for pacman use the sync (-S) flag. For example. User@arch $ pacman -Ss kateextra/kate 18.04.2-2 (kde-applications kdebase)Advanced Text Editorextra/libkate 0.4.1-6 installedA karaoke and text codec for embedding in oggextra/libtiger 0.3.4-5 installedA rendering library for Kate streams using Pango and Cairoextra/ttf-cheapskate 2.0-12TTFonts collection from dustimo.comcommunity/haskell-cheapskate 0.1.1-100Experimental markdown processor.Arch also uses repositories similar to other package managers. In the output above, search results are prefixed with the repository they are found in ( extra/ and community/ in this case). Similar to both Red Hat and Debian-based systems, Arch relies on the user to add the repository information into a specific file. The location for these repositories is /etc/pacman.conf.

The example below is fairly close to a stock system. I have enabled the multilib repository for Steam support. optionsArchitecture = autoColorCheckSpaceSigLevel = Required DatabaseOptionalLocalFileSigLevel = OptionalcoreInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlistextraInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlistcommunityInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlistmultilibInclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlistIt is possible to specify a specific URL in pacman.conf. This functionality can be used to make sure all packages come from a specific point in time. If, for example, a package has a bug that affects you severely and it has several dependencies, you can roll back to a specific point in time by adding a specific URL into your pacman.conf and then running the commands to downgrade the system. User@arch $ sudo pacman -Sy:: Synchronizing package databases.core 130.2 KiB 851K/s 00:00 ########################################################## 100%extra 1645.3 KiB 2.69M/s 00:01 ########################################################## 100%community 4.5 MiB 2.27M/s 00:02 ########################################################## 100%multilib is up to dateAs you can see in the above output, pacman thinks that the multilib package database is up to date. You can force a refresh if you think this is incorrect by running pacman -Syy.

If you want to update your entire system (excluding packages installed from the AUR), you can run pacman -Syu. User@arch $ sudo pacman -Rs katechecking dependencies.Packages (7) editorconfig-core-c-0.12.2-1 kactivities-5.47.0-1 kparts-5.47.0-1 ktexteditor-5.47.0-2 syntax-highlighting-5.47.0-1 threadweaver-5.47.0-1kate-18.04.2-2Total Removed Size: 38.91 MiB:: Do you want to remove these packages? Y/nPacman, in my opinion, offers the most succinct way of searching for the name of a package for a given utility. As shown above, yum and apt both rely on pathing in order to find useful results. Pacman makes some intelligent guesses as to which package you are most likely looking for. User@arch $ sudo pacman -Fs updatedbcore/mlocate 0.26.git.20170220-1usr/bin/updatedbuser@arch $ sudo pacman -Fs kateextra/kate 18.04.2-2usr/bin/kate Working with the AURThere are several popular AUR package manager helpers.

Of these, yaourt and pacaur are fairly prolific. However, both projects are listed as discontinued or problematic on the. For that reason, I will discuss aurman.

It works almost exactly like pacman, except it searches the AUR and includes some helpful, albeit potentially dangerous, options. Installing a package from the AUR will initiate use of the package maintainer's build scripts. You will be prompted several times for permission to continue (I have truncated the output for brevity). Aurman -S telegram-desktop-bin initializing aurman. the following packages are neither in known repos nor in the aur. calculating solutions.:: The following 1 package(s) are getting updated:aur/telegram-desktop-bin 1.3.0-1 - 1.3.9-1??

Do you want to continue? Y/n: Y looking for new pkgbuilds and fetching them.Cloning into 'telegram-desktop-bin'.remote: Counting objects: 301, done.remote: Compressing objects: 100% (152/152), done.remote: Total 301 (delta 161), reused 286 (delta 147)Receiving objects: 100% (301/301), 76.17 KiB 639.00 KiB/s, done.Resolving deltas: 100% (161/161), done.??

Do you want to see the changes of telegram-desktop-bin? N/y: Nsudo password for user. Leaving fakeroot environment. Finished making: telegram-desktop-bin 1.3.9-1 (Thu 05 Jul 2018 11:22:02 AM EDT) Cleaning up.loading packages.resolving dependencies.looking for conflicting packages.Packages (1) telegram-desktop-bin-1.3.9-1Total Installed Size: 88.81 MiBNet Upgrade Size: 5.33 MiB:: Proceed with installation? Y/nSometimes you will be prompted for more input, depending on the complexity of the package you are installing. To avoid this tedium, aurman allows you to pass both the -noconfirm and -noedit options. This is equivalent to saying 'accept all of the defaults, and trust that the package maintainers scripts will not be malicious.'

USE THIS OPTION WITH EXTREME CAUTION! While these options are unlikely to break your system on their own, you should never blindly accept someone else's scripts.

ConclusionThis article, of course, only scratches the surface of what package managers can do. There are also many other package managers available that I could not cover in this space.

Some distributions, such as Ubuntu or Elementary OS, have gone to great lengths to provide a graphical approach to package management.If you are interested in some of the more advanced functions of package managers, please post your questions or comments below and I would be glad to write a follow-up article. Steve Ovens - Steve is a dedicated IT professional and Linux advocate. Prior to joining Red Hat, he spent several years in financial, automotive, and movie industries. Steve currently works for Red Hat as an OpenShift consultant and has certifications ranging from the RHCA (in DevOps), to Ansible, to Containerized Applications and more. He spends a lot of time discussing technology and writing tutorials on various technical subjects with friends, family, and anyone who is interested in listening. Good article. Though I felt the step-by-step instructions were unnecessary, mostly because it didn't seem like it was highlighting an evolution from one package manager to another.Additionally, I was hoping to see the evolution of package managers to include the creation of package managers for packages created with a certain programming language.


Python, Ruby, C, JAVA, Dart, JavaScript, and TypeScript all use package managers when most of these languages started out without any manager available. Great article. A few additional points that may be of interest to readers.I still occasionally run across software that isn't bundled as a package and needs to be installed the old fashioned way. Using the default Makefiles usually puts the application in /usr/local/bin or (much worse) /usr/bin. The problem here is that after you've installed many applications, it can become very difficult to identify which files in the maze of directories under /usr/local (or /usr) belong to each application, making it hard to uninstall the application without breaking something.To fix this, I use what I assume to have been a common practice at some time.

I create a /usr/local/package directory and install each application into its own private directory under there. The path to each looks like /usr/local/package/packagename/version. The version term exists so I can have multiple versions installed at once. I usually also create a symlink from /usr/local/package/packagename/latest to the latest version.With this in place, I create a bunch of symlinks from /usr/local/package/packagename/latest/. To appropriate places under /usr/local (/usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib, etc.).

This accomplishes two things. It allows me to switch versions by changing the 'latest' symlink (so I can try new versions and go back if they have problems), and it keeps all of an application's files in one place.


So I can uninstall an application (or application revision) by deleting its directory tree and then look for (or use a script to find) the broken symlinks in /usr/local and delete them.Not as good as package management, since there is no database and no dependency checking, but it is at least somewhat manageable for the relatively few number of packages that need to be manually installed there days. For more discussion on open source and the role of the CIO in the enterprise, join us at.The opinions expressed on this website are those of each author, not of the author's employer or of Red aspires to publish all content under a but may not be able to do so in all cases. You are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary permission to reuse any work on this site. Red Hat and the Red Hat logo are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.Copyright ©2019 Red Hat, Inc.