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Posted : admin On 05.01.2020

Attention:. This documentation is provided to help you customize your deploymentof IBM Connections. IBM Support can address questionsabout the customization process, but cannot address questions aboutthe particulars of your customization. If you customized a previous release of IBM Connections, note that there is no migrationpath provided for importing your changes into IBM Connections 4. Any customization work performedat the EAR folder level will be overwritten after you upgrade to anew version of the product. In addition, customization work carriedout in the customization directory may no longer be valid if the customizedfile has been updated in the new fix pack or by applying a later interim fix.Before upgrading to IBM Connections 4, ensure that you review andmake a note of your existing customizations so that you can verifythem post-migration and rework if necessary. Use the following guidelines to help you to implement andmanage customizations in your deployment of IBM Connections.Most of the changes that you make to product files are stored inthe customization directory, the location of which is defined by the IBM WebSphere® Application Server variable,CONNECTIONSCUSTOMIZATIONPATH.

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It is best practice to make your customizationchanges within the customization directory only. Changes that cannotbe made using the customization directory are known as product modifications. The following types of change cannot be made using the customizationdirectory:. Changes to JSP files using the JSP include directive. For example: <%@include file='myjspfragment.jspf'%. Changes to files within a Java™ Archive(JAR) file.

For example, adding custom strings to the filein the archive tocustomize error messages for field validation. Changes to Java classes(Java class files). Changes to TAG files. These files are used in the Communitiesand Forums applications. Changes to TLD files. Changes to most XML configuration files in the WEB-INF directory.This includes web.xml.

Customization guidelines. Keep your customization directory under source control to allowyou to maintain it and track your changes over time. Copy only the resources files that you want to modify to yourcustomization directory. This makes it easier for you to track whichfiles you changed and when. Always add comments to your customized files to describe whereand why changes were made. Use a web inspector to help you to locate the CSS rules that youwant to change. For example, Firebug on Mozilla Firefox, Webkit Inspectoron Google Chrome or Apple Safari, or Weinre for Mobile.

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Use documented, public APIs where possible. Do not modify JSP files inside web modules or JAR files. Instead,use supported extension points where available, for example, for loginpages or error pages, and so on.

Back up the customization directory before a product upgrade:. Rename the customization directory to a temporary name. Apply the IBM Connectionsinterim fix or fix pack. Verify the functionality. Compare the updated files to the customized copy and then mergethe changes. Change the name of the customization directory back to the originalname. Test your customizations.For more information, see Saving your customizations.

Procedure. Find the file that serves as the source of the area ofthe product that you want to edit.

For a list of the webapplication source directories and OSGi bundles that are packagedwith IBM Connections, see ApplicationWAR files and OSGi bundles. Turn on the customization debugging capability. Formore information, see Enabling and disabling customization debugging. Copy the file that you want to customize and past it intothe appropriate customization directory. For more information,see Determining where to save your customizations.Thefollowing table identifies the files that serve as the source foruser interface areas that are popular targets for customization. Thefiles are located in the nav folder of the followingdirectory:WASHOME/profiles/ profilename/installedApps/ cellname/ applicationname.ear/ applicationname.war. Where:.

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Download Cfg War Pgl C Stock

WASHOME is the directory to which you installed IBM WebSphere Application Server. profilename is the profile to which you installedone of the IBM Connections applications. cellname is the cell to which you installedthe application. applicationname.ear is the EAR file name forthe application. applicationname.war is the WAR file name forthe application.For a list of the web application source directories that arepackaged with IBM Connections,see Application WAR files and OSGi bundles. For example:.

To edit the footer and have the same footer be displayed in allof the applications, store the updated footer file in the followingdirectory:customizationDir/common/nav/templates/footer.jsp. To change the login page of a single application, store the updatedlogin page file in the directory where customizations that are specificto that application are stored.

For example, to change the login pageof the Files application only, store the login.jsp filein the files subdirectory instead of the common subdirectory:customizationDir/files/nav/templates/login.jsp. Edit the file stored in the customizationDir directoryto make your changes. Test your changes by refreshing the web browser. You mightalso need to clear your browser cache to see the changes.

When you are ready to publish your changes, turn off thecustomization debugging capability. Using the WebSphere ApplicationServer Integrated Solutions Console, stop and restart each applicationEAR file. Force all user web browsers to refresh all cached contentand display your changes by running the command that updates the productversion stamp. For more information, see Required post-customizationstep. About this taskThe base directory where you need to store your customizationsis defined during installation, when it is saved as an IBM WebSphere ApplicationServer variable named CONNECTIONSCUSTOMIZATIONPATH. By default,this variable is set to installDir/data/customization.This customization base directory is referenced as customizationDir throughoutthe documentationTo determine the location of your customizationdirectory, check the value of the CONNECTIONSCUSTOMIZATIONPATH variablefor your deployment.

After you have determined the base directorylocation, you can then identify the subdirectory where you need tosave your customizations. Procedure. Log in to the IBM WebSphere Application ServerIntegrated Solutions Console. Expand Environment and select WebSpherevariables. Look for CONNECTIONSCUSTOMIZATIONPATH inthe list of variable names and make a note of the value.

Forexample, it might look like /local/IBM/Connections/data/shared/customization. Save your customized files in the appropriate subdirectoryof the customization directory:. To save customizations that apply to all the applications,copy the file into the common subdirectory:customizationDir/common. To save customizations that apply to a single applicationonly, copy the file into the subdirectory for that application. Important: Do not leave the product in customizationdebugging mode when you are using it in a production environment.This capability is extremely resource intensive and has a major impacton product performance. Only use debugging mode while you are makingand testing changes to the user interface during the testing phase.Ensure that you disable this feature after you have validated yourcustomizations.

If you forget to disable customization debugging,an error is written to the log to remind you. Procedure. Optional: Turn on the customization debuggingcapability.

For more information, see Enabling and disablingcustomization debugging. To add a link to the list of links in the navigation bar,for example, a link called IBM softwarethat links to that website, complete the following steps:. Make a copy of the header.jsp file,which defines the content of the main navigation bar. You can accessthe file from the following directory:applicationname.war/nav/templatesForinformation about how to find the web application source directoriesthat are packaged with IBM Connections,see Application WAR files and OSGi bundles. Tip: To find the source filefor the image that you want to change, use one of the web inspectortools listed in Customization best practices to inspectthe image. The image name displays in the img tag.

If the image issprited, you can see the class that has the image or icon. Open the copied image file and update it as needed. Replace the original image with your new image by savingthe updated file into the images subdirectoryof the appropriate customization directory. Note: If you are supporting right-to-left languages, such asArabic or Hebrew, you must make equivalent changes to the customRTL.css fileand save that in the customizationDir/themes/defaultTheme directoryas well. Save and close the custom.css file. Stop and restart the Common.ear filein order to pick up the CSS changes. When you are ready to publish your changes, turn off thecustomization debugging capability.

Test whether your changes wereadded successfully by restarting the applications, and then refreshingthe web browser. A browser refresh only shows you yourchanges if you turned on debugging. See Enabling and disablingcustomization debugging for more details. See Required post-customization step for informationabout how to update the product version stamp and ensure that yourusers see the changes the next time that they log in to IBM Connections.

Procedure. Optional: Turn on the customization debuggingcapability. For more information, see Enabling and disablingcustomization debugging. Add the new icon files to the following directory:customizationDir/themes/imageswhere customizationDir isthe base directory where your customizations should go. For more information,see Determining where to save your customizations. Make a copy of the sprite-lconn.css file.You can access the file from the following directory:WASHOME/profiles/ profilename/installedApps/ cellname/ applicationname.ear/ applicationname.war/nav/common/styles/base.

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Mark Last. 1. Piotr S. Szczepaniak.

2. 3.

Zeev Volkovich. 4. Abraham Kandel. 5. 1.

Department of Information Systems Engineering Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Beer-Sheva Israel. 2. Institute of Computer Sciences Technical University of Lodz Lodz Poland. 3.

Systems Research Institute Polish Academy of Sciences Warsaw Poland. 4. Department of Software Engineering ORT Braude College Karmiel Israel. 5.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of South Florida Tampa USA.