Ghostreader 1 6 5k Run In Miles

Posted : admin On 07.02.2020

Another rest day in the books and I’m pretty positive I walked less than 500 steps total for the day. We fit in a nap, a lot of delicious food and a lot of time on the couch which means I’m more than ready for another week of marathon training.Knox insisted on his favorite clip-on tie from when he was 4:)Skye kept us very busy at church and while I taught a lesson to the 12/13 year old girls in my ward (.

  1. How Often Should I Run 5k
  2. What Is A 5k Walk/run

That’s interesting; I don’t know what my feet do when I run, but now i want to know! I had horrible pain on the inside of my calves this fall/winter, and my PT said one of the problems was I was running with my feet too close together, instead of them landing hip width.

I still have to think about that when I run, but I can actually run now!Made Shalane’s recovery quinoa salad and planning a batch of superhero muffins today or tomorrow! Those are my most-made foods, for sure.I have a 10k coming up this fall! Never raced a 10k before.:-).

How far is 5k run in miles

Happy Monday! Hope you and the gang have a great day.I think my form is contributing to my current shin/foot issue. From lack of glute activation, my whole left side form is off.

So I tend to heel strike which pulls the tendons in my shin and foot! So I’m working on form in this season but its super hard. When you had a string of injuries from undereating, was it just bone issues or did you have tendon issues as well?I meal prepped some turkey meatballs for dinners to go with pasta and sauce. & I meal prepped salads for lunch with kale, quinoa, red bell pepper, cucumber, tomatoes, sunflower seeds + apple cider vinaigrette.I won’t be racing for a while for 2 reasons. One I live in FL and its too hot to race here now, but also I’m really trying to get my shin and foot fully healed. It was doing super well till I ran peach tree for the 4th of July (didn’t mean to push it as much as I did without recent speed training but a race environment will do that).

Sooo, I’m hoping not to race until November and just build a solid base and get this injury gone for good! Plus I’m getting married in October so it’ll be nice to just stay in shape but not have any race pressure:).

Eleanor, I am so sorry about what is happening with your left side being off! Keep up the hard work on this and I hope that you are able to get back to yourself 100% asap. I think the under-eating portion contributed to my bone issues but running fast every day and rarely (if ever) taking a rest day is what caused a lot of the other problems (like plantar/ITB etc) because now I don’t have anything popping up. Way to go on your meal prep! I am just like you and it is really hard to not push myself in a race in that atmosphere.

You are being so smart to wait and I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOUR WEDDING!! I’ve never noticed if my feet do anything weird, but now I’m really curious! I will have to look at some of my race pics. I do know that I used to have an awful hip drop, which I have been working to fix.

This has been the main cause of my past ITB woes.Btw: have you ever had any Achilles issues? I never have before, but some soreness suddenly came on yesterday at the end of my run. I am pretty sure it’s b/c I haven’t been doing my calf raises – and my ankles are also inflexible.

Need to work on those things. I am just wondering – do you know of anything else I can do for the soreness? I have already decided I am not running a step until it’s gone!I have been DYING to do a race! I am definitely not yet ready for a half or full yet, as I’ve only built back up to 10 miles at this point. So I’m thinking about a 5k or 10k next month!!I don’t bake very often, but for the past few months I’ve been making my own granola and granola bars.

I’m pretty proud of sticking with it! I am also at a point where I have really individualized the recipes (after a TON of experimenting). I need to make those superhero muffins though, they look so good! Oh I’ve struggled with the hip drop big time too especially when I am tired. I have never had Achilles problems, I am SO sorry that it showed up yesterday.

You are SO smart to wait to run on it. Can anyone help Annemarie out on this (I wish I had advice for you!).I’m cheering for you to do a 5k or 10k next month wahoo. That is awesome that you are making your own granola and granola bars. If you ever share the recipes you’ve come up with, let me know! Have a great day and I hope you are back to running again soon! ANNMARIE,I had Achilles problems years ago and the sports doc i saw recommended I stretch on a home-made platform.

Do not do the stretch off the back of a stair that you may read about. – that is an uncontrolled stretch and you could do more harm than good.This youtube video shows a platform similar to mine:My plafform is bigger/steeper, 8″ tall and 16 1/2″ long instead of 5 1/2″ x 13″.

I also tacked a piece of carpet on mine so I don’t slide off. I stretch on it for several minutes after I run and again while I brush my teeth in the evening.I would recommend to hold off on the calf raises until the Achilles pain dissipates, and then slowly add them back in to your routine.

Is it just me or are you becoming faster and stronger with more rest days throughout the week? And again with your good. Looks so tasty!I tend run with a really stiff upper body. I feel relaxed fine enough but when I see pics taken of me from behind it looks painful! And the more tired I get the more my toes drift inward and I start kicking the inside of legs.

I’m surprised I haven’t tripped myself up more! My PT has suggested leaning more into hills when I run them to ward off injuries and tightness but somehow I see to forget and all I try to do is just survive! Ha!I’m trying out a new recipe I found on Pinterest; “Loaded Greek Grain Bowl”. It has red bell peppers, red onion, spinach, cucumber, farro and a homemade tzatziki sauce. I’m also having my tried and true BBQ pinto bean tacos w/ pineapple cilantro salsa. I’m also getting a hankering to bake cookie bars so I think that’ll happen sometime soon.

I’m addicted!My next race is a trail half marathon which is more like 14 miles and has about 4100 ft gain! It’s been fun callusing up my muscles and building scar tissue in my legs to prepare me! I don’t know what I like better – 5 or 10k. Both hurt but I feel like the 5k hurts more so maybe 10k!Have a great day! I am not sure what my feet do when I run, but I know my form has led to a lot of injuries. For a LONG time I wasn’t engaging my glutes or hamstrings when I ran and it all caught up to me at once, sidelining me for YEARS.

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I finally admitted defeat and went to see someone, who essentially saved my running. I was putting SO MUCH pressure on my hip flexors and I did a lot of damage. It took about a year but I was finally feeling strong again and I had a terrible fall off a horse in May, and I didn’t realize how badly I bruised/strained my quad, but now I am finally recovering from that and thinking I might just start building mileage again! Fingers crossed I can keep myself out of trouble haha. My next race is August 9-10th – Peak to Brew Relay.

It is 220 miles covered by teams of 12 runners. It starts a the top of the highest mountain in New York and ends at a brewery. I don’t know anyone else on my team, which is way outside my comfort zone but I am looking forward to it nonetheless.I definitely prefer 10k.

I am fairly slow and it takes me almost 3 miles to warm up so I always do better with longer distances.Lastly – I just found this amazing recipe for Oatmeal Creme piesif you like the Little Debbie version, these are 100x better:Have a great Monday! I love following you and have been motivated by you to accomplish a running goal I set this year to run a HM in sub-90min. I just did it a couple weekends ago at the Heber Half (1:25:56)!

Thanks for your positivity and the great content you post here.My feet angle out on the draw-back EXACTLY like yours. I agree that everyone’s form will look a little different, so like you, I don’t tend to panic about things like this if I’m injury-free and improving my times. But I also agree that it’s worth looking into for efficiency’s sake.

I’ve started to do more butt kick drills (can do them over cones, etc). I’ve found that focusing on drawing the heels up toward the butt in those drills straightens out my leg in the “correct” way. That hasn’t translated into perfect form when I am running yet, but I think that tweaking form is a really gradual process that takes awhile of retraining muscles to work slightly differently until it becomes second nature. First of all – I WILL BE MAKING THOSE SUPERHERO MUFFINS!

Maybe it is just because I am hungry right now – but I could eat them off the screen! We make a lot of banana chocolate chip muffins at home! Seems to be my kids fav!Dinners this week – last night were turkey burgers with guac, tonight is whatever because we have baseball, tomorrow is TACO TUESDAY!!, Wednesday is brats/hot dogs or ribs (depends on the motivation), and Thursday is grilled cheese!

Kinda a random week of meals and not the MOST healthy, but it gets food in our tummies!Love keeping up on your daily happenings! About running form, it is funny how certain things about running form give people problems, and others can have an odd form and still be really successful.

Different things work for different people. Having watched a lot of the Tour de France this past week, I noticed the commentators are always talking about the riders unique cycling form.

How Often Should I Run 5k

The other day, Peter Sagan (3x world champion and 6x TdF green jersey winner) was the one being critiqued on his form. Often times, the people who look really odd on the bike are winners. Chris Froome’s elbows stick out, his knees bow out, his head is always hunched down, and he has won the Tour de France 4 times.

This article pretty much says that the odd style is the best style for his body, which is very interesting. “Froome is far from graceful. Nevertheless, there is no arguing how effective he has been on a bike”I don’t know if you can completely translate cycling to running, but it is a fascinating perspective that everyone has a different body, and how you use your body to run/cycle will look different. Ghost reader here! Finally feeling brave enough to comment (new runner finding my feet). I did competitive dance/ballet for 15 years, and to this day I still walk/run with a little bit of a turn-out.

It’s something I’m making a conscious effort to fix, but it’s more cosmetic for me than anything (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it;) haha our family has been trying (key word TRYING.) to eat as whole and healthy as possible – I have about a 5k a month coming up these next three months, and he has the police academy. My end goal is to run 5Ks this year, 10Ks next year, half marathons the next, and then a marathon by 30. BUT, with that being said, you can always find either cornbread (that qualifies as a baked good in our home) or lemon bars on the weekend! The man has a sweet tooth!

I feel like you’ve gotten great advice from everyone so far about form–better than I could probably give actually. The only thing I would add is to have yourself videotaped while running and then have someone analyze your actual running gait. Assuming you’ve never had that done before.;) It’s really difficult to tell everything from just pictures. I had this done years and years ago when I was having some PT done when a stress fracture (two actually) were misdiagnosed because the radiologist didn’t bother to read all the views of a bone scan (long story and I’m still SUPER bitter about it, but whatevs, lol). Anyway, I was going through all of this really painful PT for shin splints because, duh, I actually had two fractures and we were treating the wrong thing. But the best thing the PT did for me was to just take me out into the parking lot and videotape me while I ran. Well, his assistants did.

Then they took me inside and broke down my form and showed me everything in slow motion from how I held my head all the way to how I would swing my leg wide and around, rather than just pull up my knee, and how that could cause different injuries. It was probably the only helpful thing I got out of that six weeks of painful torture, lol.BUT, like so many others have said, a lot of times our body adapts to what works for our physiology, so then going in and messing with things can actually bring on injuries. In the long run it might be best to tweak and adjust form, but it also might be best to do that in the off season, a little at a time, too.

It’s only going to help preserve your body over the decades. Start doing that stuff now, during training, and it might blow something up, especially if things are clicking along okay as-is. Just my two Abe Lincolns.:D.

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What Is A 5k Walk/run

JohnsonIs this you?Raven Run 1 Mile Fun RunF0FoleyALUS.