Drivers Model Strategic Planning

Posted : admin On 05.02.2020
  1. Strategic Planning Process
Strategic management software

Pillars provide strength and support for something. In the case of strategy formulation, strategic pillars hold up the vision.

Remove a pillar, and the vision is in risk of collapse. (Strategic pillars are also called strategic planks.)In an earlier post, I explained that a vision is something that can be verified: you can “see” its achievement. Pillars help people to confirm that the vision is not a flight of fancy.When evaluating a document, look for the vision and strategic pillars. Use them to develop a logical case to guide implementation.

If you can’t find them: Red Flag!Here are some examples.Example of strategic pillars: The Save-the-News Initiative at GoogleI described a real world example of a strategic initiative in an earlier posting on. The nearby graphic represents Google’s vision with its three strategic pillars of monetization (get people to pay for the news, or advertising, or some combination), engagement (better involve the reader example: display ads), and distribution (collect and disseminate information in the best way for the business model example: YouTube Direct).Example of Strategic Pillars: SchibstedHere is an example from Schibsted, a Scandinavian media company.

Its vision is tobuild platforms for further growth within different media channels to create the most attractive media group in EuropeShibsted then connects its vision to its:Our strategy to deliver on our vision is twofold: One is to build leading positions in print and online news in Norway, Sweden and international. The second is to become the leader in rapidly growing online marketplaces.Example of Strategic Pillars: Boy Scouts of AmericaAnother fairly good example is from the for the Boy Scouts of America (see page 2 their strategic plan for vision and page 3 for the strategic pillars). Breviarium monasticum pdf to jpg. In my analysis, BSA recognizes that it needs to be relevant and adaptive. Its pillars include programming, technology, and branding.A Tutorial on Strategic Pillars forI would like to give a shout out to Chris Morris for his tutorial,.

Increasingly organizations are creating strategic initiatives around content marketing to engage customers, with the idea that high-quality, relevant and valuable information creates attention and loyalty.Step 4 of his approach that he terms “plotting and diagramming fun.” (The earlier steps involve understanding the organization’s vision and understanding customer needs). A final example is a large pet supplies retailer. Its vision is to grow the business and the pillars are delight the customer and operational excellence. It came up with a clever acronym of DOG (delight, operate, grow); making their mission as a pet supply retailer relevant to the decisions that employees make in support of the vision.What are some other examples of Strategic Pillars? How can we know if we have the right pillars? Related Articles.

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Strategic Planning Process
