Contoh Soal Un Sd 2013 Dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia

Posted : admin On 08.01.2020

Baiklah, tanpa berlama-lama lagi, silahkan kerjakan soal bahasa inggris berikut ini:PETUNJUK UMUM1. Tulis namamu di sudut kanan atas2. Bacalah setiap soal dengan teliti.3. Kerjakan dulu soal yang kamu anggap mudah.4. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan pada pengawas.PETUNJUK KHUSUS1. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir yang terdiri dari 15 soal listening test dan 35 soal written test.2.

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat dengan menghitamkan pada salah satu huruf a, b, c, atau d di Lembar Jawaban.3. Untuk membetulkan jawaban, hapuslah dengan karet penghapus sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan jawaban yang benarA. Berilah tanda silang (x) didepan huruf a,b atau c didepan jawaban yang benar!A. LISTENING SECTIONIn this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken English.There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.PART I. Directions: There are three items in this part.

For each item, you will see a picture on your test paper and you will hear four short statements. The statements will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. When you hear the four statements, look at the picture on your test paper and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.

Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item, you will hear a question or statement spoken in English followed by three responses, also spoken in English. They will be spoken TWICE.

They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question or statement and mark it on your answer sheet.The best response to the question, “Would you like a seat in the front row?” is choice (C), “Sure. That would be better.” Therefore you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.Now let’s begin with question number four (4) on your test paper.4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet7. Mark your answer on your answer sheetPART III.

Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item you will hear a short conversation between two people. You will hear the conversations TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. On your test paper, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed by four answers.

You are to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.Now, let’s begin with question number eight(8) on your test paper.8. What did the man do to the woman?A.

Tell director about her new audition.B. Suggest her to try any opportunities.C. Tell her about the new movie.D.

Ask her to join the audition.9. What did Leon Uris do?A. He was spy.B. He was bullfighter.C. He wrote about bullfighting.D. He wrote an adventure novel.10.

The relationship between the speakers is that they are.A. Job seekers11. What will the people probably do next?A. Postpone their plans.B. Arrange time to meet.C.

Travel by themselves.D. Meet some other friends.PART IV. Directions: In this part of the test you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said. On your test paper, you will read two or more questions about each short talk.

Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.Now let’s begin with the following short talk.12. Who is the speaker?A. The employees.B. The Jacksons.C. The customer.D.

The manager.13. Why does the company use a lighter paper?A.

To reduce the costs.B. To suggest the customers.C. To direct them to Monica.D. To spend much on supplies.14. The talk is about. In a manufacture.A.

The late shiftB. Missing materialsC. A problem solvingD. A supervisor assistant15. What should the workers do before they begin their shift?A.

Tell your supervisor.B. Check the inventory.C. Solve the problems.D. Order the materials.B.

READING SECTIONIn this part of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand written English.There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.PART V.Directions: From questions 16 – 25,four clauses/sentences, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D), are given beneath each incomplete dialog. Choose the one clause/sentence that best completes the dialog. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.16.Lisa: I’m having a terrible day.

I must have left my purse at home.Abun.?Lisa: Would you lend me some money? I need to be at a meeting downtown in 15 minutes. I could pay you back tomorrow.A. Is there anything I can doB.

Will you help me, pleaseC. Can you give me a handD. May I take it back now17.Richard: OK, Greg, that’s enough for today.Greg: I think so. Hey, there’s Amber. She’s just coming in.?Richard: No, but I’d like to.Greg: Come on.

I’ll introduce you.A. Does she call youB. Does she know itC. Do you know herD. Do you like her18.Bobby: I’d love to buy a new camera, but they’re so expensive.Eva.

And earn some money?Bobby: Yeah, but it’s hard to find one recently.Eva: I think you can call Bonnie. He’s working at Burger Ranch after school.A.

Contoh Soal Un Sd 2013 Dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia

Why don’t you get a part-time jobB. Why don’t you contact a friend at workC. What about reading some job vacanciesD. What about applying for a full day work19.Donny: What pleasant weather we’re having today.A.

I really disagree with it.B. Pink floyd dark side of the moon immersion rar files. I don’t think it’s true.C.

I’m afraid I left it.D. I’m on your side.20.Voice: Hello. How may I help you?Customer: It’s Gilang here. I ordered a computer unit from your store yesterday.

I just transfered themoney.?Voice: Well, in about two days, I think. May I know your order number, please?A. When will it be deliveredB. When will it be returnedC. When will it be checkedD. When will it be opened21.Annisa: I’m just going to go get a sandwich and eat at my desk.A. Never leave anything in the roomB.

Turn on the answering machineC. Disconnect the internet firstD. Just lock the door properly22.Agent: And how about your activities during the tour?? A lot of people enjoy the nightclub tour.Customer: Yes.

That sounds like fun.A. Are you going to go skiingB. Do you plan to visit the mountainC. Will you be joining a jogging programD. Are you going to go out in the evening23.Mr. Abidin: Where are the students of class of MIA-1?Ms Honey: In the laboratory. I think Ms Nancy is in there.A.

They have already joined a competition.B. They are supervising the examination.C. They must be doing their homework.D. They are working on some projects.24.Kim: Were you at work today?, but no one answered.Pat: No, I wasn’t. Yesterday was my last day as a secretary. I’m starting a new job.Kim: Really? I phoned your sisterB.

I called your officeC. I came to see youD. I met your boss25.Aditya: What do you want for dinner?Lisnawati. I think smoked salmon would be good.Aditya: What about the drink?A.

I’d like some fish.B. I like it well-done.C. I prefer orange juice.D. I’d rather have some tuna.PART VI.Directions: Questions 26 – 31 are based on a selection of text dialogs.Choose the one best answer,(A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question.

Answer all the questions following each text dialog on the basis of what is stated or implied in the selection. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.Questions 26 – 28 are based on the following text dialog.Brad: What are you doing this weekend, Matt?Matt: I’m not sure yet. Why?Brad: Well, my parents are having a barbecue on Sunday. Would you like to come?Matt: Are you sure it’s OK?

Contoh Soal Un Sd 2013 Dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 7 Halaman 263

Your parents don’t know me.Brad: Of course. They always like to meet my friends. Some of my sister’s friends will bethere, too. It’ll be a lot of enjoyment.Matt: OK. That sounds nice.

Contoh Soal Un Sd 2013 Dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia

Can I bring anything?Brad: Oh, no. We already have everything we need.26. What is the dialog about?A. Family habits during the weekendB. Things to prepare for a barbecueC.

A small party at Matt’s houseD. An invitation to a barbecue27. Which people will be attending the event?A. Matt’s parentsB. Friends of Brad’s sisterC.

Friends of Brad’s parentsD. Brad’s family members only28. “It’ll be a lot of excitement” (line 6)The underlined word is synonymous with.A. PlansQuestions 29 – 31 are based on the following text dialog.Janet: What time is it now?Gary: Five minutes after six. Maybe his plane was late.Janet: Maybe, but if he doesn’t call soon, we might as well take a taxi home.Gary: Good idea. I’m getting hungry.Janet: Me too.

Why don’t we just go home now and have dinner? Otherwise we could be waiting here all night.Gary: You’re right. Let’s get moving. I’m glad we cooked a big meal yesterday and have plenty of leftovers we can eat tonight.29.

Why does the writer compose the dialog?A. To explain someone’s plans to book a flight.B. To tell about people waiting for a phone call.C.

To inform about what people doin the evening.D. To look for a safe transportation to take friends.30. What will the people do when they get home?A. Call a taxi.B. Eat something.C. Order a big meal.D. Wait for their friends.31.

And have plenty of leftovers we can eat.” (last sentence)The synonym of the underlined word is.A. AftersPART VII. Directions: Questions 32 – 46 are based on a selection of reading materials, such as notices, letters, forms, articles, advertisements, etc. Choose the one best answer,(A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each reading selection on the basis of what is stated or implied in the selection. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.Questions 32 – 34 are based on the following text.Indian society has traditionally been heavily based around a caste system, which places stringent restrictions on social mobility and the ease with which people considered to belong to a particular caste can interact with members of other castes.

However, in modern India in a business context, and certainly within leading Indian and international companies, caste-related identification is no longer the norm. Over the last 50-60 years the Indian legislature has increasingly passed laws to reinforce the more modern outlook and to promote and support social welfare.Family values are a hugely important part of Indian life. Arranged marriages are very common, and marriage as a concept is taken very seriously, leading to an extremely low divorce rate. It is normal to see large, patriarchal families spanning many generations. A lot of smaller businesses are likely to be family-run and owned, and there will be a preference foremploying other family members where possible.

What is the text mainly about?A. The businesses of Indian castes.B. The Indian social welfare.C.

The local culture of India.D. The modern cast system.33.

What is the most essential part of Indian life?A. Family values.B. Arranged marriages.C.

Spanning generations.D. International companies.34. To reinforce the more.” (1st paragraph)The underlined word is closest in meaning to.A. StrengthenQuestions 35 – 37 are based on the following text.Connecting your iPhone to your computer via the iTunes multimedia management software allows you to transfer music, videos, photos and other data between the device and your PC.

As of version 10.5 of iTunes, a wireless connection can be established between your iPhone and PC, allowing you to perform a full synchronization and backup of your device's content and settings over a Wi-Fi network. A USB cable is required to set up Wi-Fi syncing the first time, after which a wireless connection can be established whenever your iPhone and PC are connected to the same network. And here are the steps:. Launch iTunes on your PC and click the 'Help' menu. Select 'Check for Updates,' and allow any available updates to install.

ITunes restarts after the update process is complete. Connect your iPhone to your PC using its USB cable. ITunes automatically detects that an iPhone has been connected and adds it to the 'Devices' list. Select your iPhone from the iTunes 'Devices' list and click the 'Summary' tab in the main window.

Check the 'Sync with this iPhone over Wi-Fi' box in the 'Options' section, and then click the 'Apply' button. Allow a full synchronization to take place before disconnecting the iPhone. You can now establish a wireless connection between the iPhone and PC whenever they are connected to the same network.35. Why does the writer compose the text?A.

To inform how to connect the iPhone to a PC wirelessly.B. To help understand how to sync iPhone’s content wirelessly.C. To provide tools to connect a PC to any multimedia equipments.D. To give guidance on how to set a Wi-Fi network using an iPhone.36. What should we do after a full synchronization is complete?A.

Reconnect the iPhone.B. Click the “Apply”button.C.

Click the “Summary” tab.D. Create a wireless connection.37.

To take place before ” (last step)The underlined word is closest in meaning to.A. LeaveQuestions 38 – 40 are based on the following text.Goa Lawah Temple or Bat Cave Temple is one of favorite places of interest in Bali and it is located near of hilly bank so it is called reef of Middle hill. Goa Lawah Temple is located in Pasinggahan countryside, Dawan sub district, Klungkung Regency, east part of Bali and about 1,5 hours from Denpasar Town. There is a nature cave at Goa Lawah Temple dwelt by thousands of tail bat located at north side from Jeroan/center of Goa Lawah Temple. Meanwhile the main road from Klungkung to Amlapura is just in front of the temple.

This cave is apposite to the beautiful beach with black sand along the coastal area.From the Goa Lawah Temple cave we see also the beautiful coast with the blue ocean with Nusa Penida Island as a backdrop.Pursuant to the papyrus of DwiJendraTattwa, the Goa Lawah's name is Goa Lelawah, the name which is given by DanghyangNirartha (a priest overspread the Hindu teaching in Bali) when he stop in this place on his TirthaYatra trips. He arrive at a Goa Lawah Temple cave which is a lot of bats hang on and its unbroken voice clamor as hymn to add the beauty of the cave. Therefore this cave is named by Goa Lawah Temple. On the above cave is growth by the flower trees with it’s smelt fragrance and stimulus the peace mind of DanghyangNirartha, so that he overnight stay for some nights in this place.38. What is expected from the readers after reading the text?A.

Be aware of the beauty of the beach.B. Be interested in visiting the object.C. Understand the history about Bali.D. Know which place to stay in Bali.39.

What is the second paragraph about?A. The priest overspread teaching Hindu in Bali.B. The beauty of the caves around Goa Lawah.C.

The simple route to come to Goa Lawah.D. The origin of Goa Lawah in brief.40. With Nusa Penida Island as a backdrop.” (1st paragraph, last sentence)The underlined word is closest in meaning to.A. BackmarkerQuestions 41 – 43 are based on the following text.Kevin Durant is one of the most popular Basketball player and also the richest player with Total Earnings of $54.1 million. He is portrayed as the “Scoring Prodigy” by John Hollinger. He has won the NBA scoring title four times in his profession.

This 26-year-old, who plays for the Oklahoma City Thunder, stands 6 feet, 9 inches tall. He likewise stands relentless tall to the extent his bank parity is concerned. He is one of the favorite faces for many brand like Nike, BBVA, Sprint, Sonic, Panini, 2K Sports and Skull candy.Born on September 29, 1988, Kevin Wayne Durant is an American basketball player for NBA’s Golden State Warriors.

He is the proud winner of Most Valuable Player award from NBA, NBA Rookie of the Year Award, four NBA scoring titles and an Olympic Gold Medal. He has also got selected to 6 All-NBA teams and 7 All-Star teams. He is the world richest sportsman who is listed in this list of top 10 richest player in the world.He was recruited heavily to a high school prospect. He played college basketball one season for the University of Texas. He has become the first ever freshman and several year-end awards to be called as Naismith College Player of the Year.

He was selected by the Seattle Supersonics with second overall pick in the NBA Draft 2007.The team moved to Oklahoma City and became Thunder after his rookie season. He helped Oklahoma City to NBA Finals 2012 and lost to Miami Heat in 5 matches. For the Thunder, he played 9 seasons before joining Warriors in the year 2016.41. After reading the text, the readers are expected to.A. Love basketball better than other sportsB. Improve their skills in playing basketballC. Become best acquainted with Kevin DurantD.

Have more knowledge about a famous athlete42. Which of the following is TRUE about Kevin Durant?A. He won an Olympic gold medal in 2007.B. He joined Warriors before playing for the Thunder.C. He assisted Oklahoma City to NBA Finals in 2012.D.

He played for the University of Texas several seasons.43. “He is portrayed as the Scoring Prodigy.” (1st paragraph, 2nd sentence)What is the synonym of the underlined word?A. RecruitedQuestions 44 – 46 are based on the following text. The text mainly tells about an invitation to.A. A yearly social eventB.

An annual registrationC. An auspicious seminarD. A school establishment45. What will the readers probably do next after reading the text?A. Bring some of their own prizesB. Thakur immediatelyC. Confirm their participationD.

Distribute the invitation46. Will preside over the function.” (line 12)The synonym of the underlined word is.A. Be available forB.

Be in charge ofC. Be happy withD. Be strict ofPart VIII. Directions: From questions 47 – 50, four words/phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D), are given beneath a close-test text. Choose the one word/phrase that best completes the text. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.Questions 47 – 50 are based on the following text.Public Announcement:We would like to take this opportunity to.(47) our friends and customers for their loyal patronage for the past four years.At this time and after careful consideration, we have decided to close.(48) retail store in order to expand our wholesale business.

The Vinjerud Family, however, does plan to open in a more.(49) location in the future.If you have a gift card, please contact Olivia Costa. (50) 508.910.2100 or between the hours of 9:30 a.m. And 1:30 p.m. To make an appointment to be reimbursed for the full remaining value.Again, we sincerely appreciate all the support we have recieved.Sincerely,The Management47.A.

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Thiselectronic device is a small light low power electricity usage and less processingpower than a bigger laptop. But this is still suitable for word processing,running a web browser and connecting wirelessly to the internet. It refers tosmall form computers. Such computer has been known by various names includingsub-notebook, ultra-portable, mini notebook and also mobile PC. Typically, thisdevice will have a sim down operating system, a smaller than usual screen andvery little storage space.

Aftera very difficult journey, the princess found the pond but the king got angrywith her for going on the journey and cursed her, 'you don't deserve to bethe princess and live in the palace. You deserve to live here in the pond,'said the king. The princess disappeared and in her palace a beautiful flowerrose. The king regretted what he had said but it was too late. Then, he broughtthe flower to the palace and everybody got cured. Till today, people called itthe Lotus.12. Narrator: What did the princess Dewi Arum find in the jungle?


Atornado can do a lot of damage. The wind of tornado rushes at great speedaround a funnel-shaped cloud. It travels in a path a few hundred feet wide andabout twenty-five miles long.

As the wind circles counterclockwise, the funnelspirals higher and higher. The forceof the windsucks tip water,dirt, and objects,and carries themaong with it.It may dropthem again many miles away.

Houses and huge trees havebeen drawn into tornado funnels. At sea, ships have been nearly sunk bytornadoes dropping water on them. On the 21 st December 2006,she finished her final book of the Harry Potter Series – “ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows“.The book was released in July 2007, becoming one of the fastest selling booksof all time. Rowling has said the book is her favourite, and it makes herboth happy and sad.

She has said she will continue writing but there islittle chance of continuing the Harry Potter Series. She however, may releasea dictionary of things related to Hogwarts and Harry Potter that were neverpublished in other books. Addingto a growing list of diplomatic disputes between China and Japan, a Chinesegroup is demanding that Japan’s emperor return a 1.300-year-old artefact thatwas allegedly looted by Japanese Soldiers in the 1930s. According to a Xinhuareport, the artefact in question in the Honglujing Stele, originally from“north eastern China.” The request was made in a letter addressed to EmperorAkihito of Japan by China Federation of Demanding Compensation from Japan(CFDC) via Japan’s embassy in China. The request has been prominently reportedby both China’s domestic and international media outlets, suggesting thatpart of the intent is to shame Japan for its actions during the first half ofthe 20th century. FromXinhua’s report, it is unclear the extent to which the Chinese government isinvolved in the request for the return on the artefact.

The China Federationof Demanding Compensation from Japan (CFDC) is a civic group, independent ofthe government. According to Xinhua, “This is the first time a Chinese civicgroup has asked the Japanese imperial family for the return of a lootedChinese relic.

“The group” seeks compensation for personal, material, andspiritual damage caused by Japanese militarism during the country’s aggressionagainst China in the 20th century.”. When the egg hatches, the caterpillar willstart his work and eat the leaf they were born onto. This is really importantbecause the mother butterfly needs to lay her eggs on certain type of leafwhich the caterpillar will eat - each type of caterpillar likes only certaintypes of leaves.

Contoh Soal Un Sd 2013 Dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Sma

Since they are tiny and cannot travel to a new plant, themother caterpillar needs to hatch its egg on the kind of leaf it wants toeat. Caterpillars need to eat and eat so they can grow quickly. When acaterpillar is born, they areextremely small. Whenthey start eating,they instantly startgrowing and expanding.Their exoskeleton (skin)does not stretch or grow, sothey grow by 'molting' (shedding the outgrown skin) several timeswhile it is growing. Anold man named Takahama lived in a little house behind the cemetery of thetemple of Sozanji. He was extremely amiable and generally liked by hisneighbors, though most of them considered him to be a little mad. Hismadness, it would appear, entirely rested upon the fact that he had nevermarried or evinced desire for intimate companionship with women.

One summer day he became very ill, so ill, in fact, that he sent forhis sister-in-law and her son. They both came and did all they could to bringcomfort during his last hours. While they watched, Takahama fell asleep; buthe had no sooner done so than a large white butterfly flew into the room andrested on the old man's pillow.

The young man tried to drive it away with afan; but it came back three times, as if loath to leave the sufferer. At last Takahama's nephew chased it out into the garden, through thegate, and into the cemetery beyond, where it lingered over a woman's tomb,and then mysteriously disappeared. On examining the tomb the young man foundthe name 'Akiko' written upon it, together with a descriptionnarrating how Akiko died when she was eighteen. Though the tomb was coveredwith moss and must have been erected fifty years previously, the boy saw thatit was surrounded with flowers, and that the little water tank had beenrecently filled. When the young man returned to the house he found that Takahama hadpassed away, and he returned to his mother and told her what he had seen inthe cemetery. Murmured his mother.

'When your uncle was young he was betrothed toAkiko. When Akiko left this world, your uncle resolved never to marry, and tolive ever near her grave. For all these years he has remained faithful to hisvow, and kept in his heart all the sweet memories of his one and only love.Every day he went to her grave and prayed for her happiness, swept the tomband set flowers there. When Takahama was dying, and he could no longerperform his loving task, Akiko came for him. That white butterfly was hersweet and loving soul.' Somepeople will agree that having an office at home will make benefit. It savestime.

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When you place your money in a bank, thegovernment insures it up to the maximum amount allowed by law. So, comparedto a number of other options, your money is safe in a savings account. Compared with certificatesof deposit (CDs) and other higher-interest bank products, savings accountsgenerally pay a lower rate of interest. In other words, the interest that youget on your money saved is very low.

If you're willing to keep your moneydeposited for a specific time period—anywhere from a few months to a fewyears, depending on what you choose—you generally can earn more interest witha CD than with a savings account. Some banks charge fees on their savingsaccounts. Be sure to compare the terms of different banks and look for thosethat offer savings accounts with no monthly maintenance fees.